The bootcamp for those who do

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to code but didn’t want to spend months of your life in boring lectures – this is the bootcamp for you.

Next Level Coder teaches you to code by actually coding.

Because you learn by actively coding rather than passively listening you learn faster. So you don’t have to quit your job to do the bootcamp full time and you don’t have to spend a year trying to squeeze it in part time. Most importantly, because you’re learning so efficiently it costs us less to teach you – and we pass those savings on to you.

If you love theory and want to spend hours memorizing terminology – this course isn’t for you. You’ll learn how computers and code work – but not by memorizing.

If you’d like to become a professional caliber software engineer who can write an app and get a job, you’re ready to become a Next Level Coder.

Launch with us

Every great story has a beginning. The story of your new career as a software engineer begins here. So does our story.

There has never been a better time or a better place to launch your new life as a software engineer. Whether you want to build something for yourself or you want to start a new career, you can launch your career with a world class engineer.

Who is this course for?

This course is for doers. It’s for people who learn best by getting their hands dirty and actually working with what they’re learning about. For those academics out there the course links to the best references regarding the topics covered. But the course is hands on from day one.

You shouldn’t have to quit your day job to become a software engineer. You shouldn’t have to spend a year listening to lectures in a “part-time” bootcamp just to hope to get a job. This course teaches you by showing you how to do things from day one – and then having you do them. That’s what makes it so efficient and engaging.


Meet your Instructor

I’m an engineering manager at Instacart. While I love adding features to an app people rely on for food and their livelihood, my favorite part of my job is helping new engineers on the team learn our technology well enough to code as expertly as possible.

Prior to my current position at Instacart I’ve worked as a software engineer at:


The Next Level Coder Method

When a new engineer joins my team, I give him or her a one hour orientation on our technology and the best ways to learn what they need to know. Then I put them to work.

The assignments start small and simple with lots and lots of explanation. However, over time as new engineers become more comfortable the assignments get bigger and the instructions get shorter. I assure them I’m available to answer questions whenever they need – no judgment. But in a couple of months they’re coding just as well as any veteran member of the team.

This is the approach we’ll be using to help you learn to code quickly and naturally. I’ll start with the assumption you’ve never coded before. The first lessons will spell out step by step what you need to do and explain exactly what it is you’re doing. They’ll also go over the best ways to figure out things you don’t know and remind you I’m always available to answer questions.

As you learn things over time the instructions will become shorter and the assignments will get bigger until you’re finally ready for independent projects. But the level of support offered will never decrease throughout the duration of the course – I want you to succeed.

If you put in the work to complete this course you’ll be ready to work as a software engineer. But in addition to learning to code, we’ll also cover job hunting and how to crack interview questions to help you land the job of your dreams.

The Course

If you’ve ever wanted to make an app or learn the skills necessary to become a professional software engineer, this is the course for you.

Unlike other courses that start you “coding” in a text box on their website, you’ll be building real web pages on your computer from day one. By the end of the course you’ll have built a chat web app using React JS to make the frontend, Node JS to make the backend, and an SQL database to store your app’s data.

You’ll also be guided in learning other technologies like React Native, C#, Python, and how to build PHP WordPress plugins in the independent project portion of the course.

Finally, you’ll learn about interview questions, how to practice for coding interviews, how to draft your resume and how to land your first job.

Technologies all students will learn:

  • Javascript
  • React JS
  • Node JS
  • SQL
  • HTML
  • CSS

Technologies you will be have the opportunity to learn in the independent project portion of the course (you can do more than one):

  • React Native
  • PHP & WordPress
  • Python
  • C#

What’s the difference?

There are lots of coding bootcamps out there. Why choose Next Level Coder?



Comprehensive Course

Time Frame

Money Back Guarantee

Next Level Coder


One course to go from no knowledge to professional software engineer.

4 months, 5-10 hours a week

30 day 100% Satisfaction

Money Back Guarantee


$1,436 per course x however many courses you need

Various courses from intro to advanced. Not clear how many are necessary to get a job or which you should take.

4 months, 5-10 hours a week per course

Hack Reactor


($2,000 deposit to start)

9 months "part-time" or 3 months if you quit your job and study full time.

Getting Started

In order for Next Level Coder to help as many people as possible, I need your help getting it started:

  • To provide feedback on the course to help ensure it meets your needs.
  • To provide testimonials that can be published on the site.
  • To tell your friends about it.

The only way any of that will happen is if you absolutely love the course – and your results.

This is why I’m looking for an inaugural class of up to 100 students to receive heavily discounted tuition in exchange for their feedback on the course as it’s being built.

Essentially, in exchange for you supporting this course early on, I’m building the course just for you.

Remember, there’s a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied just let me know via the contact form and I’ll happily refund your tuition.

Ready to get started? Click the button below to sign up. See you on the other side!

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